
How To Embrace the Soft Life as a First Generation Business Owner

by | Jan 29, 2023 | Business Growth, Self Care

The Soft Life for First Generation CEOs

2023 will be the year you fully embrace self-care!  I can feel it! 

January is a great time to implement clear business goals, along with a detailed operation plan of how these goals will be achieved. 

But before you dive into your 2023 to-do list, and start the year strong, I invite you to consider this. 

Starting the year strong does not necessarily guarantee success. Start it off strong and then what?

Here are strategies you can implement to start the year off embracing the soft life.

Reprioritize your Schedule 

One of the most common mistakes Black business owners make is creating a work schedule that mimics that same routine as their previous career. When you started your business, you wanted freedom and flexibility in your life, as well as financial independence. Instead of scheduling your life around your business, schedule your business around your life. 

Action Step 

On your calendar, first block off time with your kids, your partner, meal, breaks, and exercise. Then add your business responsibilities. You’ll quickly see how limited your time truly is. Before you start panicking and start removing your personal time off of your calendar, do an inventory of all your business responsibilities. Then identify which are income generating and which can only be done by you.  Once you’ve figured that out, make a plan to delegate the rest of your work responsibilities. 

Sprinkle Self-Care Into Your Routine

By now you know the importance of managing your self-care, but need help doing it consistently. I’ve found this to be true with every executive, solo entrepreneur, and CEO. They know what they’re supposed to do, but for some reason they just aren’t doing it. Read on to learn why and what to do next. 

When you’ve been used to overworking for decades, slowing down or delegating tasks is difficult. Taking time to rest feels uncomfortable to your nervous system because self-care seems so foreign. The best way to overcome this is by micro-dosing self-care into your daily routine.  Self-care is more than occasional massages after you’ve burned out. It’s the way you care for yourself in every moment of your time. It’s managing the negative beliefs you have about yourself that drive your habits of overworking. Self-care is also how you provide compassion and care to yourself in little moments. 

Action Step

When you wake up, rather than immediately checking your phone, write 1 intention for the day of how you will be kinder to yourself.  Take 20 minutes to eat your lunch away from your computer. Instead of scrolling on your phone before going to bed, spend 15 minutes journaling the highlights of your day. The My Wellbeing Workbook is a wonderful tool to use to help you implement these steps. By creating these small opportunities daily, you create new experiences that your brain will identify as normal. This will allow your nervous system to slow down and start to feel comfortable engaging in more self-care activities. 

You have permission to lead a soft and successful life and business! I can tell you as a business owner who’s been living the CEO soft life for years now, it’s so much more comfortable here.


Your Transformation Coach, 


Recovered workaholic, former perfectionist, and thriving generational healer.


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