The “B” Word that’s Keeping You Stuck in Struggle & Stress

by | Feb 20, 2022 | Mind Body Connection, Self Care


Have you ever wondered why there’s a disconnect between knowing that you’re supposed to do better for yourself, but then you try and it doesn’t last long?

For example, you know that being busy all the time, and overworking will eventually catch up to you but you don’t know HOW to slow down? You might have tried yoga or meditation but it just doesn’t have lasting effects?

I’m going to let you in on a secret about how your brain works that will explain why.

Misconception 1

Many people think that your circumstances need to change in order for you to be able to slow down. But this is a mistake. Your circumstances won’t change until you make changes to how you engage in your circumstances; your work, your intimate relationships, friendships, and especially yourself. You change how you engage in your circumstances, by changing your habits.

Misconception 2

Another misconception is that you change your habits but force yourself to do different things. But that doesn’t last long. A perfect example is when you’re trying to lose weight and you change your diet and exercise routine. But you don’t change the most important aspect of YOUR BELIEFS. Your beliefs influence ALL OF YOUR HABITS.

Let me break this down a bit further.

Your mind is made up of 2 parts; what you’re aware of (conscious) and what you’re not aware of (sub-conscious). The conscious part is what you’re aware of, your thoughts. The sub-conscious part is what you’re not aware of, what your BELIEFS are. The thing is, only 10% of the work your brain does is conscious.   90% of the work your brain does is from your SUBCONSCIOUS automatic thinking.  The subconscious mind is the real driver of your life!

For long-lasting changes, you need messages that address your CORE SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS around EVERYTHING including money, life, relationships, and how successful you can be in your business. Each person has a unique set of subconscious beliefs. Your beliefs were inherited and shaped by your upbringing, and your experiences. Connecting the dots between your upbringing and your current beliefs is key!

  • What beliefs did you inherit from your parents?
  • There actions?
  • What was modeled to you regarding entrepreneurship?
  • Or high achieving women in high positions?


It’s possible to make changes to your subconscious beliefs through a specific sequence of affirmations during times that your brain is the most impressionable.