Struggling with balancing life in this new normal? Here are some tips.

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Self Care

Current events have us rethinking what work/life balance is.  Now that our routines look a lot different, it is also a good time to make some adjustments to ensure that we are still practicing self-care.  

Stop multitasking (I’m serious. Stop it!). Multitasking at work is one thing, but when working from home, you may feel more tempted to do it. A big advantage of going to the office was the ability to physically separate workspace from home space. But now that we are home, the temptation is to blur the line by washing the dishes between tasks or getting dinner started early.

Here’s the truth, a disadvantage of multitasking is starting several things but never truly finishing any of them. When you multitask house duties and work duties you may find yourself feeling unaccomplished in both areas of your life. This can have serious effects on your mental health.

Take breaks throughout the day to get some movement. I understand how easy it is to start work in the morning and then realize it is 2PM and you haven’t moved. When working from home we need to make more deliberate efforts to move. Set a reminder on your calendar to get some movement in a few times a day. You can walk around the block, dance to some of your favorite songs, follow a fun 10-minute routine online, or even just stand and stretch. Replace your work chair with an exercise ball.  Your brain and body follow the use it or lose it rule. Staying sedentary all day is not good for your mental or physical health.

Identify a workspace and use it.  Let’s admit it, most of us who are working remotely were probably working from our beds and couches initially.  While this can be nice, it also can make things challenging. When you do not have a dedicated workspace, you may find it difficult to relax when everywhere in your home feels a lot like the office.  Having a separate work area is a great way to wire your brain to tell the difference.

Take dedicated breaks to eat. When you eat, focus on taking a mental break and sit down! The brain needs about 20 minutes to process the messages from your stomach. Put your phone away and resist the urge to answer emails.  It can be harder to take dedicated breaks at home because we tend to be more relaxed, but they are an absolute must.  We all have busy days, but make sure you take the time to take a lunch break, away from your workspace. No more eating through lunch! 😊

Include other members of your household in a routine as well. Not only are adults home nowadays, but most schools are still virtual. As a mother myself, I know it is not as easy as it sounds! But including kids in your routine planning will ultimately be best for the sanity of your household. They don’t have to do things perfectly so learn to be okay with that.

Give yourself some grace. Know that leaving the dishes for a few more hours in the sink is okay. Ordering takeout on a day when you are too tired to cook is okay. Leaving the laundry until the weekend is okay. Give yourself some grace and do it without guilt! If you can’t be easy on yourself during a pandemic, then when?

Protecting your mental health is important, especially during these times. Using these tips will help you maintain your sanity while taking on your day.